  Damani Weather System (original)



v1.5 features
- rain: slight drizzle, moderate rain and heavy rain, with full sound support
- snow: from a slight snowfall to a heavy snowstorm
- clouds, changing darkness and density based on the weather conditions
- thunder & lightning, including local lighting effects, animations and multiple sound effects
- snow that actually stays and slowly covers the ground, creating a winter athmosphere
- covers a square area from 400m2 (small plot) to 19600m2 (1/3 of a sim)
- automatic random weather changes (either snow or rain/thunder)
- autorezzing emitters at selectable heights

v1.6 features:
- possibility to show/hide emitters
- possibility to rerezz weathermachine and remove exisiting emitters by switching it on and off again

v1.7 features:
- commands are now accepted for both owner and group the item is on
- possibility to disable clouds (use options button)
- rezzing multiple weathersystems within shouting range will function now
- possibility to change precipitation life (causing the effect to stop at different heights), by touching the specific emitter

v1.8 features:
- extended dialog system, option to switch off each element individually (clouds, precipitation and ground cover)
- cloud hue (switch on through options)
- improved group controls

v1.9 features:
- fog
- improved sounds on thunder
- rezzing of groundcover either at system or ground pos
- report function

- fixed hide/show functions

- fixed broken rezzing of groundcovers and fog
- added autoupdate functionality

- now falls back to alternative position system, if warppos isn't functioning

- hue updates correctly on rez/change of weather

- rezzers will now automatically delete after about 60 secs. if panel is removed
- rezzers will automatically delete is panel is moved
- rezzers will no longer rez. on other peoples parcels, this can be switched off in the 'options' menu.

- added a command channel (channel 1) for direct chat commands
- fixed a bug where the system always reports that not all weatherrezzers have been rezzed
- fixed a bug where the system doesn't rez. Even if allowed to rez on any land
- added parcel restrictions to report command

- added random type change on interval option (options->system->random)
- added extra checks on groundrezzing for sim out of bounds
- fixed parcel restrictions to work on groundcover rezzing too

- revised options menu
- emitters now store their position, so switching the system off/on will not destroy rezzer positions
NOTE: deleted emitters will be rezzed anew though!
- use options->system->reset to clear rezzer positions, or rerez the system
- fixed a major bug which caused the emitters to start moving away in an endless loop

- fixed stack/heap collision on large areas, positions are now stored only for areas up to 6400m2
- changed comms to llRegionSay, which will allow for complete sim coverage in future version

- bugfix: stack/heap collision
- bugfix: position store broke in 1.18 update

- bugfix: changed protocol in weathermaker caused lost messages, reverted to old model

- internal release

- hail in three levels of severity, uncluding new texturs, ground effects and sounds, including physical hailstones...
- sunrays through the clouds on low cloudy days (uses megaprims, can be switched off in cloud options)
- wind effect: 3 levels of wind severity of on the precipitation
- "walking in snow" sound effects on snow coverage
- full sim coverage per system (area up to 240x240m)
- selectable command channel
- reset option
- bugfix: improved deletion timers (no more autodelete when sim lags)
- bugfix: improved position of groundcover on system-pos mode (could require reposition)

- bugfix: area rezzing was rezzing areas too big, and caused a 'division by zero' on area size 20
- bugfix: 'report' reported area size 20m too small

- bugfix: changing settings could cause groundcover to rez in wrong position

- feature: access can now be set to: owner, group, limited control (only weather selection), full access
- feature: if rezzed >20m above ground level, the system automatically switches to rezzing groundcover on system pos
- bugfix: emitter rezzing is now delegated to a separate script, this should prevent memory/stack/heap errors when moving large amounts of emitters
- bugfix: if somebody without access now clicks the control system, it won't disturb the automatic security delete of emitters
- bugfix: end_move is unreliable, moved emitters are now stored , while switching off the system.

- feature: ground sound effects can be turned on/off in options->ground
- bugfix: parcelrestriction were intialized wrong, and group check changed to use llGetObjectDetails

- bugfix: several settings (including access) were reset on switching the system on/off

- bugfix: rezzing sometimes caused an access reset

- bugfix: sim resets/crashes would cause emitters to delete themselves, emitters should now stay until controller is deleted from sim
- bugfix: switching weather randomness to 'fixed' mode didn't work
- bugfix: emitters that would move to illegal areas and were removed were returned, they are deleted now

- feature update: will now function correctly at heights greater than 768m, as allowed with SL v1.20+

- bugfix: a race condition, caused by new way SL handled linked messages could cause an endless on/off loop


Second Life and SL are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. Damani is not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Research.