
Damani Weather System (original)

General information

Ever wanted to experience a heavy thunderstorm at night in SL™, that slight drizzle of a lonely day. Experience the gloom of a morning hailstorm. Walk through falling snow. Or experience the mists of a day in autumn....
With the WeatherSystem, you can.


  • rain : 3 levels, from drizzle to heavy storm
  • hail: 3 levels, from some hail to a complete hailstorm
  • snow : 3 levels, from some snow to heavy snowstorm
  • thunder & lighting: multiple sound fx, + local lighting
  • fog
  • snow that actually stays on the ground, with sound effects
  • clouds, change their density and colour depending on weather and (optionally) hued by time of day, and have sunrays breaking through them
  • wind effects, all precipitation can be either still of heavily moving in the wind
  • covers from a 20x20m area up to a complete sim!
  • autorezzing emitters + fully configurable
  • auto update, receive lifetime free updates with new options and effects
and many more options...



Thunderstorm at night
Snow falling




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